Aspire’s 16 days of activism to end gender-based violence
From the 25th November (international Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to the 10th December (Human Rights Day) the world are called to a period of 16 days of activism to raise awareness and help eliminate violence against women and girls.
The 25th November is White Ribbon Day. White Ribbon was founded with the intention of getting to the root of the problem of violence against women and girls by tackling harmful masculine traits and social norms around what it means to be a man. If violence against women is to be eliminated, it remains essential that men become part of the solution for change.
The theme of White Ribbon Day this year was ‘It Starts With Men’. Violence against women and girls is rooted in harmful masculine norms. Starting with men, we must address the attitudes and behaviours which contribute to a fear of violence for women in their day-to-day lives.
Aspire also contributed to the 16 days of activism through a social media campaign spreading awareness of 16 different types of violence which women and girls experience worldwide.
Aspire also shared information with our women about the White Ribbon Campaign and each group were made aware of the importance of being involved in activism.
It is important to remember that awareness about violence against women and girls does not end after the 16 days of activism. Rather it a continuous campaign to help affect positive behaviour change to transform harmful cultures and practices to put an end to gender-based violence.