Aspire Awards

  • 2023

    Aspire Receives County Durham Volunteer Kitemark Renewal.

    Achievement of the County Durham Volunteering Kitemark renewal demonstrates that Aspire has once again met the standards to overcome barriers to volunteering, and recognises the value of recruiting and retaining volunteers as set out by Durham Community Action.

  • A winner's medal
  • A winners' rosette


    Winners: Durham County Council Adult Learning & Skills Award - Inspirational Tutor of the Year and Volunteer of the Year

    Highly Commended: Durham County Council Adult Learning & Skills Award - Volunteer of the Year

  • An award winners cup


    Winner: Durham County Council Adult Learning & Skills Award - Learner in the Digital Age

    Highly Commended: Durham County Council Adult Learning & Skills Awards - Volunteer of the Year, Unsung Hero, Tutor Award and Learning Project of the Year

  • An award winner's cup


    Winners: Durham County Council Adult Learning & Skills Awards - Unsung Hero and Festival Special Award

    Highly Commended: Durham County Council Adult Learning & Skills Service Learning Awards - Volunteer of the Year

    Awarded County Durham Volunteering Kitemark

Our Awards

Our Data

Key Research and Reports

  • National Lottery Community Fund Supporting Sisters Project Evaluation November 2021-May 23

    This key funder report evaluates the efficacy of the extension of the Supporting Sisters project. The lottery funding has been a great platform to develop and showcase our model of delivery alongside our comprehensive offer of women’s support and wellbeing services.

  • National Lottery Community Fund Supporting Sisters Project Evaluation 2016-21

    This key funder report evaluates the efficacy of the Supporting Sisters project and considers the impact it has had, on the lives of women using our services and on our volunteers.

  • Sisters are Doing it for Themselves: Supporting Sisters Programme

    Supporting Sisters trains volunteers to become peer mentors and befrienders to women who want to access Aspire but would struggle to do so without additional support. Read this May 2021 report written together with DMSS, Tavistock, National Lottery & CWASU

  • Community Learning Provision: Support Review Executive Summary

    An overview of the main findings and recommendations following an external Curriculum and Quality Monitoring Visit with Aspire in May 2021.

  • Women’s Mental Health, the Essential Contribution of Feminist Services: a Briefing Paper

    Aimed at commissioners, funders and professionals, this brief is based on work done at a Women and Girls Initiative (WGI) Masterclass in January 2020.

  • Why Women's Centres Work: an Evidence Briefing from the Women's Centres Action Learning Set

    This 2018 briefing is from DMSS Research, with the involvement of the Women’s Centres Action Learning Set, which included Aspire Learning Support & Wellbeing.

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