Supporting Sisters Highly Commended in 2021 Self Care Innovation Awards
As part of the annual Self Care Week (15-21 November) celebrations, the Self Care Forum announced their shortlist of organisations for their Self Care Innovation Awards 2021. Aspire’s Supporting Sisters initiative, was one of only 4 entries considered in the ‘Highly Commended’ category and one of 8 finalists overall, all organisations “whose work is making a difference to people’s lives across the UK, empowering and inspiring people to self care and in doing so, to live their best and healthiest lives.”
Supporting Sisters has been running since August 2016. It is delivered from within the Aspire women-only centre in Chester le Street and remotely via online support groups and telephone listening services. The programme of support activity is constantly evolving, based on the needs of women and the current Covid situation, but services benefiting women’s self care currently include:
Stay Safe, Feel Well which is focused on positive activities for women affected by the trauma of suicide and self-harm. Delivered via a 6 week rolling programme, with relaxed, in-person support and activities, the group also has access to a monthly online drop-in, led by Suicide and Self Harm Champion volunteer facilitators. Women can ask questions, share experiences or just choose to listen, in a safe, unpressured and non-judgemental space.
Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) support is available via our DVA Champion volunteers, who also distribute support packs (essential food & household items for women and families in need) and facilitate monthly online DVA Drop-In sessions.
Online and in-centre friendship and support groups including Mature Friends (a social group for women aged 50+) and Positive Changes (more structured support to help women cope with life's challenges).
One to one listening and befriending services are available for women needing to discuss specific issues, speaking directly to a trained Aspire listening service volunteer and perhaps even build confidence towards attending our groups and courses.
In-centre wellbeing services with qualified podiatrists and holistic therapists are available and while using this, or any of Aspire’s other support services, women are welcome to use the free Aspire onsite creche.
Learning opportunities at Aspire also carefully embed self-care as part of a holistic approach. This includes courses of reflexology, mindful colouring and seated exercise and relaxation.
Aspire believes strongly in sharing our award-winning delivery model with other organisations. This includes commitments to peer-led practice and volunteer development as well as a holistic and trauma-informed approach to service delivery. The Self Care Forum shares this aim, using their annual awards to not only showcase the achievements of nominated organisations, but to share best practice and “inspire other organisations to replicate such self care excellence.”
The overall winner of the 2021 Self Care Innovation award was Orthopaedic Research UK’s (ORUK) ‘Enabling Self-management and Coping with Arthritic Pain using Exercise.’ Aspire extend our congratulations to all their team as well as to all the other highly commended and nominated organisations.